Project Leader:
Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH – Quality Austria
Zelinkagasse 10/3, 1010 Wien, Austria
Tel.: (+43 1) 274 87 47, Fax: (+43 1) 274 87 47-100
Barbara Stöhrmann is responsible for European projects and international trainings within the company Quality Austria. She is strongly involved in designing the trainings and consults qualityaustria international partners regarding the trainings.
Barbara Stöhrmann has received the master degree in Land and Water Management and Engineering at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Vienna. Furthermore she has qualification in environmental and quality management and occupational health and safety management and as safety engineer and also has worked as a consultant in this field for several years for Austrian, German and Romanian companies.
The last 2 years she has participated in following European projects where she was among other tasks, also in charge for Quality Evaluation:
1. “ICoop: Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation”, project number 530278-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES, TEMPUS project
2. “Expanding the quality ‘spirit’ of VET (Q &VET)”, project number 527399-LLP-1-2012-1 SE-LEONARDO-LMP, Leonardo da Vinci projec
3. “QUALIMED-Skills for Quality in Healthcare at European Level”, project number LLP-LdV-ToI-2012/RO/019, Leonardo da Vinci project.
Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH – Quality Austria
Zelinkagasse 10/3, 1010 Wien, Austria
Tel.: (+43 1) 274 87 47, Fax: (+43 1) 274 87 47-100
Dr. Anni Koubek is leading expert in quality management systems. She acts as executive vice president for innovation with Quality Austria. She is active in national and international standardisation and works as acclaimed speaker as well as trainer and auditor in quality management.
Anni Koubek has served as a head of a university of applied sciences, founded and led a research centre on e-learning and multimedia and worked as consultant in telecommunication. She was responsible for the development of the study programmes, the coordination of the research and development activities as well as for the evaluation of study courses and research.
She was board member of the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria and coordinated research and development activities.
She earned her PhD in theoretical particle physics and has worked in several different institutions on this subject (Hamburg, Trieste and Cambridge, UK).
Mrs. Koubek worked as project coordinator in several European and national
Programmes also making evaluation of training courses within these projects. Recent publications:
1. Anni Koubek, “Innovation and Quality Management in Networks” Proceedings der Baltic Nordic Excellence Conference 2012.
2. Anni Koubek, Thomas Szabo, “Revision ISO 9001 Joy or Sorrow?”, Q1 Magazin, Sciam Verlag 2/2014 (in German).
3. Anni Koubek, Wolfgang Pölz: “Integrated Management Systems”, Hanser, München 2014 (in German).